“Beasts from the East” by Sebastian Linda

Beasts from the East from Sebastian Linda on Vimeo.

Grrrr Writers block again! Seems like skating always seems to get me out of it so lets give this a try. Your in luck though this has got to be one of the best skating films i’ve seen in a long time. It has been directed and edited by Sebastian Linda and he’s done a pretty damn good job of it. The “Beasts” skating are Tom Kleinschmidt, Richard Naumertat, Erik Grob, Marcel Heber, Octavio Trindade, Fred Störmer, David Raderecht and Sebastian Linda. The location is “East” being the mean streets of Dreisden, Germany. Is that east? Am I making a fool of myself asking? Right i’m going to check the atlas, enjoy the video!

Japanese skateboarding!

This is some sick footage of some Japanese people showing off their out of the ordinary skating style. It’s got some crazy grinding clips in there and it’s a little different to the sort of skating you might come across today. You can buy the full dvd from here if you like what you see, so take a look at what they’ve got to offer above and enjoy!